This resource belongs to the more high-quality gamma of
AnsestralSetups (As content creator).
Ansestral Network is the next step to grow your server to the next level.
Here I leave more of my products:

Network setup, this collection of setups is completely new in AnsestralSetups. If you have any questions/suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us.
▪ TEST SERVER | 4 slots maximum. [From United States]

IP: ansestralsetups.xyz
▪ Test server contains MOTD + server icon, add to your server list instead of connecting with a direct connection if you want to see it.
It's hosted on a VPS hosting of 2GB of ram, so maybe it will have a bit of lag.

● Lobby amazing spawn with nice aesthetics.

● General features in a lobby.
● Server Selector
● Music (DJ/PlayList)
● Gadgets
(Fun gadgets, hats, pets, animated hats, particles, suits, emotes, cloak & banners)
For VIP and normal users
● JumpPads
● Settings (For VIP & Normal users)
● Welcome hologram
● MysteryBoxes
● NPC's (Indicates the number of online players)
● Ranks (WIth al permissions set)
● Tab
● Bossbar
● Scoreboard
● Join MSG
● Announces
● PluginBlocker

● Music (DJ/PlayList)

● Gadgets
(Fun gadgets, hats, pets, animated hats, particles, suits, emotes, cloak & banners)
For VIP and normal users

● JumpPads

● Settings (For VIP & Normal users)

● Welcome hologram

● MysteryBoxes

● NPC's (Indicates the number of online players)

● Ranks (WIth al permissions set)

● Tab

● Bossbar

● Scoreboard

● Join MSG

● Announces

● PluginBlocker

● Parkour It is parkour that is automatically generated and increases in level.

(Select the color of the parkour)

● Rewards daily reards for VIP and normal users to keep the activity in your server.

● Easter eggs an interesting activity to do in the lobby is find the easter eggs that will give you
tokens and mystery dust.

Found an issue or bug with the setup? Don't post them in the reviews section, you can simply join the discord community and open a ticket by just clicking the button below or PM here at AnsestralSetups, and I will reply to you within 24-hours

● Here you will see extra content, promotions, and some information.
VIP Perks:
Ultra: | Titan: | God: |
Access to /afk. Access to /fly. Toggle chat setting. Toggle flight setting. Toggle double jump setting. Toggle speed setting. Toggle stacker setting. Toggle visibility setting Access to Ultra rewards. Access to animated hats. Access to chat colors and format. Ultra prefix in the chat. Ultra prefix in the tab. | Access to /afk. Access to /fly. Toggle chat setting. Toggle flight setting. Toggle double jump setting. Toggle speed setting. Toggle stacker setting. Toggle visibility setting Access to change the wheater. Access to change the time. Access to Titan rewards. Access to animated hats. Access to all the particle effects. Access to chat colors and format. Titanprefix in the chat. Titan prefix in the tab | Access to /afk. Access to /fly. Toggle chat setting. Toggle flight setting. Toggle double jump setting. Toggle speed setting. Toggle stacker setting. Toggle visibility setting Access to change the wheater. Access to change the time. Access to God rewards. Access to all the gadgets. Access to chat colors and format. God prefix in the chat. God prefix in the tab |
Website Promo:

● You can not dispute/chargeback
● You can not share this setup with anyone
● You can not claim it as you own
● You can not resell this piece of work or configurations/builds inside it
< Don't hesitate to contact our support if you have any issue/question in the section above >
▶ Citizens [Required]